But I can control whether or not I am willing to step out and take a risk. And often the reason they didn’t pray for them or ask for them is because they had a prior conviction or belief that they did not exist or were not available to them. I typically have the problem on the other side–even when a book isn’t good, I feel too compelled to finish it. Storms writes with humility. He does say worship can be awakened, sustained, and energized by the Spirit. Hopefully it will spare me some of the mistakes I made in the years prior to that, thinking I understood so much about God. He is here and working! And the risk is worth it.”, “When God wants to bless us with a miraculous answer to our prayer, he will take the initiative to cultivate and build into our hearts the fulfillment of the condition he requires.”. Maybe we don’t realize how subtle the devil’s power is in our culture, so we don’t pray hard against it. I’ve worshiped in both types of churches. Why is the Holy Spirit not active today as during the Old and New Testaments? I think the point is not God’s continued mercy, but our ability to receive it. May you have a Blessed Holy Week! I am beginning to see our opinions about what or how we think of God does not make Him less or More! It wasn’t until years layer that I realized God HAD answered, and it didn’t happen because it wasn’t something I needed. Is it Gnosticism? But whether you agree or not, you won’t feel pushed in this book. Paul wrote, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit…. I agree with him on many points, and disagree on others. Have a blessed Easter weekend worshipping our Lord! However, because we have the completed Words of God, the Spirit does … The aforementioned paragraph is key. That all the offices, the manifestations and gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and the ministry gifts of Christ referred to in Ephesians 4:11 are active. With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. 1:13; 4:30). We cannot live in and for God apart from the power, work and manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 12:13). Well done, Lisa! I’ve seen, too, how the extremes on either end can be unhealthy. It’s hard to argue with that. It is about giving up food for Christ’s sake. Miracles abound. Thank you, Lux, and the same to you. Whichever view you hold, this book might interest you. 1:13-14) that we are God’s children (Rom. Seems the Holy Spirit has not been very active in past 2000 years. And I caught a couple of typos, too…. the holy spirit is the active force of God. God is God. I’m so grateful for that! I love how your words and your reading force me to think. That’s why He asks us to believe! . But it’s one that moves me when others share it. The Holy Spirit was pretty active during the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. I think what you are saying is that for the past 1900 years or so, the Holy Spirit has not been working through public, physical miracles, as He did during the ministry of Jesus and in the very early church. Will there be counterfeits posing and acting, yes. Miracles? In Romans 8, Paul describes how the Holy Spirit intercedes (or prays) for believers.He says, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. The Holy Spirit has been extremely busy the past two thousand years–convicting people of sin, guiding them into the truth (John 16:7-10, John 14:15-18), interceding for us when we pray (Romans 8:26-27) and many other things. The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee (Eph. I have to be careful to not get caught up in MY view, but to trust in God’s plan! Etymology. This is what Jesus said during his ministry (John 10:25, 32, 38). This is for my RS survey just write any idea's, opinions, thoughts, experience, evidence...whatever! Answer: Of all the gifts given to mankind by God, there is none greater than the presence of the Holy Spirit. But it doesn’t negate the presence of the very thing. Satan is beneath you, in Christ’s name.”, “We are to pray, ‘Come, Holy Spirit,’ and be confident that he will, whether or not manifestations follow. I always value your opinions. If it once was, it still is, however, there are certain qualification that must be present in our life. I missed out a lot on the traditional spiritual disciplines as well, and have enjoyed learning, as an adult, about how to do contemplative prayer, lectio divina, etc., from a nearby Catholic community. Which is correct? . If you look at the Old and the New Testament you will discover that throughout most of the history of God’s people, there were few miracles. The times I have heard of when these types of gift seem most genuine and most in line with Scriptural examples and teaching have been in situations where people didn’t have the Bible or had been restricted from it. I don't know sir. I appreciate you sharing that. I have a preference. While that doesn’t negate the healings that do occur, it does remind me that (1) miraculous healing is not something we can conjure up on our own, and that (2) healing doesn’t always look like we think anyway. If that is what you are saying, then you are correct. And often the reason they didn’t pray for them or ask for them is because they had a prior conviction or belief that they did not exist or were not available to them. Once as a teenager (not having grown up in church or been taught about any of this at that point), I called the advertised phone number of one of the better known Christian TV programs, and I don’t remember if the guy said anything to me about grace or forgiveness or Jesus. As such the role of the Spirit is multi-faceted. We all have much to learn from each other. We can see him differently based on our right or wrong beliefs, but who he is remains constant. 0. (See here for full justification.) I continue to think about it, even after I finished the book (which is one sign of a good book to me). I have been hearing a lot about obedience recently and I like that God is not looking at out success but out obedience. The Bible notes several roles the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of people today. Feel free to write why, or support your answer in any way you think (much thanks to the guy who wrote bible passages) John 16:8 notes, "And when he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment." If God created nature perfect, and if nature has two sexes, how should we act toward LGBT and hostile feminists? You speak wisdom here, Ifeoma: “For the most part, whether we think or believe what we want, it doesn’t change who God is.” God is who God is, regardless of what we believe about him. In other words, they had not because they asked not, and they asked not because they believed not!”. I totally agree with you that the Spirit communicates with us when we’re receptive to listen! The drive to figure out and explore what is and what is not about only asked us push towards blurred lines. This sounds like a helpful book and I think it’s important for people to look into this topic. Regarding embarrassing examples of faith healers on TV (or in person), Storms says, “I resolved in my heart that I would never justify my disobedience to God’s Word because of the abusive or embarrassing practices of others.”, “God is far more pleased with our obedience than he is with our success. And, he maintains, many Christians in the West remain closed to the Spirit and are hampered by fear when it comes to relating to Him and … However, I think if you were with someone who doesn’t understand your native language, God may choose to work through you and allow you to speak a different language. The writer of Hebrews tells us that the purpose of miracles (or at least one of the purposes) is to testify to and confirm the message (Hebrews 2:4). I have spoken with missionaries who work in areas where devil worship is alive and well (and much more out in the open than it is here in the US). ha. Thank you for the book review. I have seen both sides of it- being in a church where I was taught that the gifts of the Holy Spirit didn’t operate today and also a church where the gifts of the Spirit were encouraged but where I think there was some wrong and dangerous teaching around them- e.g. The latter appendix includes this list: “Twelve Bad Reasons for Being a Cessationist” (one who believes certain gifts have ceased, stopped). What are your thoughts on this? Trying to physically prove existence of God. Did Moses copy the Old Testament from other sources? I do believe the Holy Spirit is active today. Don’t live in fear of the devil and his minions. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit created the world (Genesis 1:2), led Jesus into the desert (Matthew 4:1), comes to us at Confirmation (), and intercedes for us in sighs that we cannot understand (Romans 8:26).Always remember that The Church teaches that The Holy Spirit … He is not some impersonal power, like energy. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23a. . ***Simple corrections of incomplete sentences*** Your concluding paragraph is so true: the working of the Spirit is often through people that are quiet and “invisible” as they allow him to move through them. However, sometimes when I don’t get my way, or receive the answers I want, I view that as the Holy Spirit not answering. Holy Spirit sanctifies us (2 Thess. the expectation that God should heal everyone who was prayed for and if he didn’t the problem must be a lack of faith. Yes. A New Testament scholar is tackling a subject that has confounded sincere Christians across the ages: the identity and function of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Before He returned to heaven, Jesus said, “… you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit … But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” Acts 1:5-8. Your email address will not be published. May you have a wonderful Easter! And I’m glad. As such, there are not two classes of Christians (the "saved" and the "charismatic"); if you are born again, you have been baptized in the Spirit. My thanks to BookLook Bloggers I call this expression of worship a spiritual gift. Maybe it’s because those praying actually believe in the power of God to overcome evil. He didn’t say, “Hey, guys, it’s me!” At least until much later. I’m also grateful that this issue isn’t a test of fellowship. Happy Easter to you too, friend! Thanks for stopping in, Margaret. those who mostly cultivate fear and reverence and those who aim for joy and love. “If little else of practical benefit comes to you who read this chapter, I pray that you will move forward in your Christian life and in whatever ministry God has given you with a newly found and biblically grounded confidence in the authority and power given to every believer in the name of Jesus. That’s the where humanity has gotten.. Dear Lisa, God is no less merciful, no less compassionate, no less caring when it comes to the physical condition of his people after Pentecost than he was before Pentecost.”, “Don’t ever think of yourself as at one end of a rope and Satan at the other, both of you struggling to overpower the other. The Spirit has many functions, roles, and activities. I imagine Sam’s book could be controversial in the minds of some people but your call to read with an open mind gives fair warning. Some go beyond the gifts explained in the Scripture claiming the church now has more power than the apostles had and abilities from new gifts that not … As Andrew says there are still raw miracles and moves of the Holy Spirit by seemingly ordinary people who truly follow Jesus. Success is not something we ultimately control. The question is whether the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, described primarily in 1 Corinthians 12–14, are still active in the church today. If the OT prophecies of the Messiah came true, why did Jews not believe in Jesus? I can’t promise that my word to you will be spot-on accurate. Do you believe the Spirit is still active today, or that he now speaks only in the words of the Bible? Now, I wouldn’t think that it’s crazy, but maybe her healing wouldn’t happen on the spot, but maybe years later. And I also believe that other times, we look and look and they just don’t come because it’s not how God is at work. I’m pretty fond of God in a nice neat box, but I’ve learned that there is peril in this, and am getting more and more comfortable with saying things like, “I don’t know for sure, but I’m hesitant to limit God by saying what He will or won’t do to manifest His glory.”. I do believe the Holy Spirit is very active today, but personally I don’t think what we call the “sign gifts” are what He primarily uses today. I would be interested in hearing what the author’s interpretation is. I hear you, Lesley. Jesus’ life was the ultimate lesson in righteousness, and He has sent us a Helper to teach us to learn righteousness of Him. I did want to hear what you’d have to say on this. Site design and hosting by Whistlepig Softworks, LLC. Jesus Himself compared the will of the wind to the work of God’s Spirit (John 3:8). Bible verses about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit not only speaks the words of Jesus to you, but he actually is the one who leads and directs your steps into the abundant life that Jesus promised. Can you explain Acts 10:44 and why the Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles? Learn more about the importance of the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Being a cessationist doesn’t mean I think the Holy Spirit is inactive or is just waiting behind the scenes quietly until the end of the world. At the end of the first century, there would have still been living wittnesses to jesus’ earthly ministry which -I postulate – would have given a more pure faith and motivation. I also believe He will speak to us if we’re listening. Thanks, Sarah, for sharing. Fruit of the Spirit is the product of faith. Have a blessed Easter. http://blessed-are-the-pure-of-heart.blogspot.com/2017/04/your-dying-spouse-295-patient-pride.html, Glad to get your take on this, Andrew. May the Holy Spirit be with you always. Dear Lisa, i think i will like this book.. For the most part, whether we think or believe what we want, it doesn’t change who God is. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When in actuality even nature shows us His awe! I think as we read about the body of Christ around the world, we often find evidences of extraordinary things occurring. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser April 10, 2017 at 9:28 am. – Sam Storms. Your final statement sums it up well for me, too: “I do believe the Holy Spirit works today but I think it’s not always in a way we can predict or control.”. Perhaps that is how God is moving there or perhaps they are more likely to come to Him in childlike faith without so much thinking included. the holy Spirit Southern Baptists Struggle with the Holy Spirit By Craig von Buseck CBN.com Contributing Writer. First, "receiving the Holy Spirit" is the same as "the baptism in the Holy Spirit." 32 thoughts on “ Holy Spirit – Still Active Today or Not? Those who have seen His work know His reality. I pray you and your family have a blessed Easter. I love learning from others who have had different experiences and studies. They are not necessarily meant for believers, but for unbelievers to see and know Christ. It didn’t, and even in my untaught state I thought that was a little suspicious. Read more about who the Holy Spirit is and the necessary and life-changing role He can play in our lives. I see him at work in my own life and in the lives of those around me. It never did, and I grieved for a while, thinking there was something wrong with me. I believe whole-heartedly the Holy Spirit works today in miraculous ways. Thanks for sharing this. Romans 9:1. I’ve been blinded in the past by my own disbelief in them to have seen as many as I could have (if that makes sense). I agree with you–because I’ve seen the Spirit actively at work in my own life and in the lives of others, I believe that he is definitely still active today. My views on Holy Spirit have changed through the years, too, thankfully. 1 Cor 12:3 says we cannot say Jesus is Lord unless we have the Spirit, but the Bible teaches we must say Jesus is Lord to receive the Holy Spirit. I can’t guarantee that my prayers for the sick will result in healing. We likely can all agree on this prayer offered by Storms in his conclusion: “Pray yet again that God would increase your spiritual hunger pangs, that he would intensify your thirst for godly power, that he would never allow you to settle for the status quo.”. The Holy S pirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity, just as active in the world today as ever. Not everyone is bestowed of this gift. I find them very helpful. Using the bible, the Spirit teaches and convicts us of the truth and assures us that they are saved (1Jn 3:24, 2Cor 1:22, Eph 1:13; 4:30) It is the Spirit in our lives that unites us to Christ in his death and resurrection (Rom 6:1-11, Gal 2:20). A friend says before the universe existed, there was a quantum vacuum that created it. Thanks for your personal testimony, Mary. I do very much agree that we shouldn’t “take steps to artificially induce” those manifestations. How were the gifts of the Holy Spirit given? I love seeing gritty people. those who only sing about God and those who sing to God. In other words, they had not because they asked not, and they asked not because they believed not!”. I’m so terrible at finishing books…I have a lot of them started, though. How is this reconciled? Sorry about that. Your thoughts on this? But yes, they can be two different things. The Holy Spirit is God Himself tangibly working in our hearts, minds and sometimes in our bodies to experience God's … So chapter by chapter, gift by gift, Storms writes why he does believe that the Spirit still works through humans with special gifts. I have known people who have been miraculously healed, but it hasn’t come by laying on of hands or someone praying over them and pronouncing them healed. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. The Holy Spirit is very active today. I recommend this book be read with an open mind. The question is, does He still give miraculous gifts to the church today, or was the giving of spiritual gifts a "one-time deal" that applied only to the early church? Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit still active today? Our Teacher of righteousness. Hello bro. As His children, we have a duty to the Father not to live according to the sinful nature (Rom. “I don’t know for sure” has become a phrase I’ve had to use a lot more in the past several years as well, Michele. His book focuses a lot on how the gifts can work within a church setting. He grieves, He knows, He is eternal, He encourages, He gives understanding, He gives peace, He comforts, He directs, and He can be prayed to. However, because we have the completed Words of God, the Spirit does not normally work through physical miracles today. Miracles are not used by God to convince people to become a Christian, but to validate that the message is from God. According to Acts 5:32 Almighty God Jehovah 'gives holy spirit to those obeying him as ruler', 'they are no part of the world' (John 17:16), Jesus' true disciples. I think the reason we see so few miracles today – or seem to see few – is that most of the people practicing the Gifts do so for their own glorification, or at best to lay at the altar f an imaginary God, one whom they think they can either bribe or placate with their works. 4:5). Step into Uncertainty—My One Word for 2021, Happy New Year and the Grace & Truth Linkup, Practicing the Power: Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Your Life, Please share your thoughts in the comments, 40 Days with the Holy Spirit – Book review, When You Want to Pray WITH Others, Not Just FOR Others. I don’t ever want to limit what God can do through the Spirit. Here we have so much and have a harder time understanding that we still need to depend on God. God’s work has been the same; it’s just my vision is often distorted. The word spirit is rendered as רוּחַ … My scripture this mornings hits it pretty well. And yet, very little of the Spirit’s work is properly recognized by God’s people today. How is the Holy Spirit active in our lives today? Mary Baker Eddy, founder of “Christian Science,” characterized the third person of the Trinity as “Divine Science” (n.d., 55). He works in many ways in the lives of Christians as well as working to convict those who are not saved. Am I wrong in thinking this? It’s not a right or wrong choice. The miraculous is recorded principally during the ministry of Moses and Joshua, as well as during the ministry of Elijah and Elishah. Please share your thoughts in the comments. In other words: if you don’t think it will happen, it’s less likely to. Looks like an interesting book. This happened yesterday at our church as part of Palm Sunday. Your thoughts? I was in Africa on my second mission trip, and we prayed for a woman’s leg to be healed. As always, it DOES look like a great book. I appreciate hearing your views and your enthusiasm. The Gabriel inscription predicts a Messiah who would resurrect on the third day. Holy Spirit is the agent by which we are baptized into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 1:2; Rom. That’s the here humanity has reached…. Read them for yourself in Practicing the Power to form your own conclusions. The Holy Spirit confirms things as true. . The question is whether the Holy Spirit still dispenses the miraculous gifts today. Our minds just can’t seem to handle everything at once; he’s way too big! And the primary reason God continues to heal after Pentecost is because he is a merciful, compassionate God. Glad you are one. We are always driven to fast because we hunger for something more than food.”, “The primary reason God healed through Jesus prior to Pentecost was because he is a merciful, compassionate God. I would like to know whether the gifts of the Holy Spirit is still active in these days? In other words, if the glorious presence of the Son of God himself did not preclude the need for miraculous phenomena, how can we suggest that our possession of the Bible does?”. You likely have one, too. So in that sense maybe I wouldn’t call myself a cessationist, because I do believe God can and does work through those kinds of gifts on occasion, but I just think there is much less occasion for it now that we have the written Word of God, which can reach many people more effectively than a miracle here and there. No! Do you believe the Holy Spirit still works today in miraculous ways? I know plenty of people who use 1 Corinthians to say that gifts don’t happen today, but I think that verse doesn’t say that at all. He does a balanced job of showing pros and cons of how people have used and misused the gifts in the past. 8:12) but to “put to death the misdeeds of the body” (Romans 8:13; Col. 3:5-11). ha. My views have changed over the years. Like other gifts, speaking in tongues is a gift from the Holy Spirit. It sounds like a good book, Lisa! I am very much confused as some say that for example speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit while the other says it is 100 percent demonic. I’m sure my opinions on many aspects of spirituality are still majorly flawed, but his underlying truth and grace still cover my errors since I belong to him. Yes, I took the Grit Scale and am pretty gritty, but I am sure that it would not have been quite so much so when I was younger. As an aside, I am currently about 1/3 of the way through the book you recently mentioned to me, Grit, and like it a great deal. While it is a fact that Cornelius did receive a baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:45; 11:15-16), the key to understanding why Holy Spirit baptism is not being replicated today is to be found in discovering the purpose behind the events of Acts 10.. Let me begin by saying there is no reason to deny that Cornelius and his kinsmen actually were given a baptism of the Holy Spirit… What a blessing to have witnessed a number of miracles, Carol. Praying you have a meaningful Easter! There is so much blessing to be had when we glean and learn from each other! for the review copy of this book. Perhaps one of our challenges is that we human types tend to like boxes and our churches seem to often separate on a continuum as a result of our human efforts to under a divine God. I think people are often more open to seeing and receiving from the Spirit in countries outside of the States. The drive to figure out and explore what is and what is not about God only makes us push towards blurred lines. I’m always amazed at stories of missionaries in foreign countries. This is true for me, too: “I have seen excesses, but I have also been in quiet settings where I have seen power that was undeniable.” I’m so glad the Spirit knows how to show up regardless of the situation. For example, I don’t think we necessarily need to speak in tongues during a meeting with fellow Christians. Storms follows that list with another list: “Twelve Good Reasons for Being a Continuationist” (one who believes that all the gifts of the Spirit continue to be given by God today). Letting go of “success” is a difficult thing, especially in our American culture where we often equate obedience WITH success. Re his question, “If signs, wonders, and miracles were essential in the physical presence of the Son of God, how much more essential are they now in his absence?” I don’t know, but on the road to Emmaus, when Jesus met up with two disciples after He had been resurrected, it’s significant to me that He ministered to them from His Word rather than with His physical presence. 6 Ways the Holy Spirit is Active in Our Lives. 8:2). Sam Storms (also the author of One Thing: Developing a Passion for the Beauty of God), in his newest book, Practicing the Power: Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Your Life, says this: “I believe that one of the reasons why spiritual gifts are less frequent in certain seasons of church history than in others is due to the fact that people didn’t seek, pursue, or passionately and incessantly pray for these gifts. Thanks for bringing that up, Anita. From Scripture we learn that the Holy Spirit is God. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 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