The variegated form "Color Guard" is tinged with pink. Once established, it’s unlikely plants will need watering. Because yucca plants can grow 10 feet tall with leaves as lengthy as 2.5 feet, space is an important factor to consider. Yucca Filamentosa ‘Adam’s Needle’ can be quite beautiful when it is well-taken care of. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Tidy leaves up to stop from becoming scruffy. Also known as Adams needle, Yucca filamentosa is a multi-suckering palm with a tall flower stem. Good drainage. Welche Yucca-Palme eignet sich für den Garten? This keeps the foliage off the ground and away from moisture and soil. 'Bright Edge' is one good bicolored type of Adam's needle. Yucca filamentosa: Vorsicht ist geboten. Remove lower leaves as they turn brown. Mature plants send up flower stalks from the center of the foliage in late spring, which can double the height of this yucca plant, sometimes growing to over 8 feet tall. It does not need fertile soil, so it is a good choice for areas with poor, rocky or sandy soil. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. It was an important plant to Native Americans who used its fibers for cord and cloth, and the roots as a shampoo. This will keep the foliage upright and … 1369. Yucca Filamentosa Palmlilie in verschiedenen Größen. Besonders gern mag die Yucca filamentosa kalkreichen Boden und gedeiht vor allem auf einem eher steinigen Untergrund. Wann und wie oft sollte man die Yucca filamentosa düngen? You can also make use of the fine texture of its leaves by growing it next to plants that have foliage of a coarser texture, thereby creating some contrast. Zwischen Juni und Juli beeindruckt das Spargelgewächs mit seinen bis zu zwei Meter hohen Blütenständen, die mit zahlreichen weißen, glockenähnlichen Blüten bestückt sind. Ils sont : Color Guard - un type avec des feuilles rosées. Namensursprung: Yucca ist der einheimische Name für die Gattung; filamentosa = fädig, in bezug auf die Blätter, die am Rande mit zahlreichen sich ablösenden, haarartigen Fasern besetzt sind. 100% Croissance & Floraison En direct des Pays-Bas Commandez en ligne ! Outdoor Yucca plant care: Plants prefer dry soil that has full access to the sun. Pflanzen, Gartentipps, Anbau und Ernte... Welchen Standort bevorzugt die Gartenyucca? Darf man die Yucca filamentosa schneiden? Introduction. Le YUCCA filamentosa 'Color Guard' est une plante vivace ligneuse de la famille des agavaceae, originaire des Etats-Unis. Avoid overwatering the plant as this can cause rotting of the roots.Cut off all the dead leaves in order to keep the plant neat. Eine Schubkarre voll Noch jede Menge vorhanden Noch immer frisch. In fact, in most cases, they grow best with a little benign neglect. The plant is heat and drought tolerant, and can even withstand the salty air of a coastal garden. smalliana; Yucca smalliana; Phonetic Spelling YUK-ah FLA-sih-dah This plant has low severity poison characteristics. Der Boden sollte locker und gut durchlässig sein. However, container-grown plants do need a small amount of weekly water. Create a planting hole about twice as deep and wide as the nursery container, and plant the specimen at the same level as it was growing in the container. Yucca filamentosa Color Guard Growing and Care Guide. media Carrière Yucca filamentosa var. There also many varieties of Yucca, so you can choose which you like best. It needs full sun and a well-drained soil, preferring an acid or slightly alkaline pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. It also does not seem to mind pollutants or salty soil, making it suitable for roadside plantings. Yucca filamentosa bezeichnet die Fädige Palmlilie, eine in der Atlantikküstenregion der USA sehr häufig anzutreffende Pflanze. This plant usually readily survives temperatures down to 5 degrees Fahrenheit, but if covered with mulch over winter, it will survive temps of minus 10 to minus 20 degrees. They tend to thrive on a little neglect, rather than too much attention. Be careful of the leaves as they have strong spikes at their tips, which can cause severe pain - and be especially careful of your eyes; protective goggles are a good idea. There are also plenty of awesome variegated forms to choose from. Feuillage rubané vert bleuté, non piquant. Bei richtiger Pflege und dem passenden Standort ist die Gartenyucca sehr robust. USDA Zone? Even though Yucca filamentosa is a native of the Southeastern U.S., it is a great fit in a Southwestern theme as well, since it looks like it belongs in a desert. Yucca baccata: Grows up to 5 feet with shorter, almost blue leaves and purple and off-white flowers in spring.Also known as the Banana Yucca because of the shape of its fruits, which are edible. The watering method is very important to keep your Adam’s Needle healthy. Yucca is also a great choice when growing a rock garden, and it works well on a slope to provide valuable soil erosion control. This US native plant has many species and varieties that grow well in our gardens (e.g., Yucca aloifolia, Yucca filamentosa, Yucca gloriosa). Commandez-le en ligne ! Though this is a slow-growing plant, it's best to give it 2 to 3 feet of space around the plant, which will make it easy to work around the spiky leaves. concava, and the only one with truly white variegation. Yucca filamentosa 'Variegata' is one of the finest variegated selections of our native deer-resistant Yucca filamentosa var. It has escaped cultivation and extended its original range north into New England. Today, the plant is used primarily as an ornamental in the garden. You'll also receive handy monthly email reminders of what needs doing. Die aus Nordamerika stammende Verwandte der Zimmeryucca ist winterhart und gilt als ausgesprochen pflegeleicht. ramosa Carrière Yucca filamentosa var. The blade-like leaves form a basal rosette ending in spines. Yucca plants are pretty cool. Die pflanze besteht... 20 € 64807 Dieburg. It is naturally a focal point in the landscape, also providing a tropical touch in temperate gardens. Yucca filamentosa bevorzugt einen hellen, warmen und geschützten Standort, gern in der vollen Sonne. If you have many clusters of yucca, all healthy and the flowered plant removed, sometimes it's best to tie up the blades of foliage into a pony tail of sorts. Over time, most species of yucca will grow into room-devouring monsters, but this takes long enough that they provide years of durable … The flower cluster usually appears right around the beginning of summer, with individual blooms taking the shape of nodding, white bells. Kübelexemplare gehören jedoch für eine kühle und helle Überwinterung ins Haus bzw. Native to the southeastern United States, Yucca filamentosa (Adam's Needle) is a very ornamental, broadleaf evergreen shrub featuring a basal rosette of rigid, sword-shaped, spine-tipped, deep green leaves edged with curly filaments. While wearing sturdy gloves, prune away these leaves down close to the base of the plant. Generally easy to care for but caution required: always wear protective, preferably chain mail or similar gloves when caring for Yucca Plants. EUR 14,00 . They are topped in early to midsummer with a dramatic flowering stalk reaching 4 … EUR 9,50 Versand. Vor allem junge Gartenyuccas sind noch vergleichsweise empfindlich und benötigen einen Winterschutz. Evergreen. Sandy beaches and fields of Southeastern U.S. This plant has no children Legal Status. There are many other types of yucca plants besides Yucca filamentosa, including: The potential uses for this yucca plant in your yard are many, based both on how it looks and how hardy it is. Discover (and save!) Adam's needle has good tolerance for drought once established, and it is often used in xeriscape landscaping. These stems produce beautiful clusters of cream flowers that bloom in the springtime and are sweetly fragrant. Ausgepflanzte Exemplare müssen im Grunde nicht gegossen werden, nur während längerer Trockenphasen könnte der Griff zur Gießkanne erforderlich werden. If your plant is getting too tall, you may cut the trunk from the bottom and re-pot. The foliage clumps are usually 2 to 3 feet tall, with curled threads lining the edges of the leaves, giving it its species name—filamentosa—meaning a thread or "filament.". 3 Stück Garten Yucca Gold Heart winterharte Agave Yucca filamentosa. Dabei handelt es sich keinesfalls um eine Palmenart, wie der deutsche Name vermuten ließe, sondern um eine Pflanze aus der Familie der Palmengewächse. This plant grows best in full sun but will tolerate a little shade. Rustique jusqu'à -15°C. Im Beet sollten Sie die Palmlilie an einen Standort pflanzen, der auch im Winter nicht zu nass wird. Wie muss man die Yucca filamentosa auf den Winter vorbereiten? Eine Gartenyucca im Kübel braucht überhaupt nicht gedüngt zu werden, sofern sie jährlich in frisches Substrat umgetopft wird. Choosing plants that grow and thrive in your particular climate is the very first step toward having a beautiful garden . As with any plant, take care to keep the leaves of your yucca plant dust free for optimum health. Mature plants will begin to grow basal offsets around the base of the plant, and these can be easily cut away and replanted to propagate new plants. It should not sit on the water, and an excess amount of water should be avoided. Elles sont longues de 30 à 75 cm et larges de 3 à 10 cm. Rip off one long leaf from the base of the plant. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. Adam's needle attracts butterflies but also draws earwigs; these pests are unlikely to do any serious damage to the plants, however. Leaves are up to 1 foot (30 cm) long and up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) wide. Get all the details below! This succulent is one of the easiest plants to grow outdoors. How to Grow Texas Sotol (Dasylirion texanum), Best Salt-Tolerant Plants for Landscaping, 14 Cacti and Other Succulents Plants for Your Landscape, How to Grow and Care for Red Hot Poker Plants. Minusgrade von bis zu -15 °C übersteht die Fädige Palmlilie in der Regel problemlos. Welche Krankheiten und Schädlinge befallen die Yucca filamentosa typischerweise? Winterharte Yucca-Palme im Garten einpflanzen – So wird’s gemacht, Blüte bei Yucca-Palme abhängig von der Art. Die blaublättrige Yucca rostrata - Pflege, Schneiden, Vermehren, Überwintern, Die blaublättrige Yucca rostrata – Pflege, Schneiden, Vermehren, Überwintern. Yucca filamentosa var. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Hand. How to Care for a Yucca Bush. Hess & Robbins (in FNA, vol. Winterharte yucca filamentosa Blüten ist cremig weiss und Blüten jedes Jahr. Botanisches: Diese nordamerikanische Liliacee besitzt eine dichte, dreißig- bis fünfzigblättrige Grundrosette. Name: Yucca filamentosa L. Fädige Palmlilie.Französisch: Yucca; englisch: Silk grass. This succulent type needs typical watering as the other succulents. The best way to grow an Adam's Needle plant is to propagate a root cutting taken in … Leur bord est orné de fins filaments soyeux, d'où son nom. It develops a … They're known for their pointy, sword-shaped leaves, and even though they look like typical houseplants, they're actually giant succulents. Today, the plant is used primarily as an ornamental in the garden. Plus d’informations sur 3x Yucca Yucca filamentosa blanc chez Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Change. Palmlilie Yucca-Filamentosa winterhart blühfähige Jungpflanze ca 20-30cm hoch. However, transplanting, or taking basal offsets of Y. filamentosa is best done in the fall. I've concluded that they are impossible to kill. If your yucca plant is getting too big for its pot, you can cut it in half and replant both parts separately. Outdoors, yucca plants planted in the ground need very little care and attention. Late spring spikes of white bell-shaped flowers. Winter burn may affect some of the leaves in regions with cold, windy winters. This is a slow-growing plant, which may not produce flower spikes until it is four to five years old. Gather the blades at the base and use the binding leaf to keep the plant together. your own Pins on Pinterest Very little care is needed for it so if landscape maintenance is not your cup of tea, Yucca filamentosa could be an ideal plant for you. by Max - last update on October 28, 2019, 3:15 pm . The Yucca plant is a widely popular drought tolerant evergreen garden perennial. This video will be the start of a interesting and useful new video series Edible, Medicinal, and Utilitarian Plants. Adam's needle usually does fine without any feeding, but if the plant is languishing, feed it once in spring with a granular general-purpose fertilizer mixed into the soil around the base of the plant. Yucca filamentosa 60-70cm, winterharte Gartenyucca, Palmlilie Yucca bis -25°C. Scientific Name: Yucca filamentosa Color Guard Common Name: Adam's needle Growing Zone: USA: 4 to 10 Life Cycle / Plant Type: Perennial, Succulents and Cacti Plant Details. The leaves are blade-like and form a basal rosette (beginners may think that the leaf shape resembles that of bearded iris, although long-time gardeners may disagree.) Adam’s needle yucca (Yucca filamentosa) is a plant in the agave family that is native to the Southeastern United States.It was an important plant to Native Americans who used its fibers for cord and cloth, and the roots as a shampoo. Erhalten Sie den monatlichen Gartenjournal Newsletter in Ihr E-Mail Postfach. 7 Beobachter. Wie lässt sich die Yucca filamentosa vermehren? Auch die Vervielfältigung über Samen oder Teilung größerer Pflanzen ist möglich. Each is of similar size, but their leaf and flower characteristics indicate that they are different species in the same genus. Die aus Nordamerika stammende Verwandte der Zimmeryucca ist winterhart und gilt als ausgesprochen pflegeleicht. Like other Yuccas, Adam's needle can make a good specimen for large containers. Das liegt daran, dass die Inhaltsstoffe der Pflanze bislang noch keiner genauen Überprüfung unterzogen wurden und außerdem völlig unterschiedliche Berichte kursieren. Palmlilie, Yucca filamentosa. Wetland Status. Type: Cactus/Succulent Zones: 4 - 9 Light needs: Full sun Water: Once established, needs only occasional watering. patens Carrière Yucca filamentosa var. Yucca filamentosa var. Requirements and Plant Care: Full sunlight. Continue reading for more Adams needle information, as well as tips on growing Adams needle yucca plants. Outre le populaire yucca filamentosa, il existe quatre autres plantes de yucca qui sont souvent cultivées dans les jardins. They are native t the dry and hot parts of the Americas and the Caribbean. Zu verschenken 26340 Zetel. The Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' is also known as Yucca. Watch. Floraison estivale spectaculaire, grande hampe garnie de clochettes retombantes blanc-crème. nobilis Sprenger Yucca filamentosa var. Lediglich die abgeblühten Blütentriebe sowie beschädigte und vertrocknete Blätter sollten umgehend entfernt werden. Ein Rückschnitt ist im Grunde nicht notwendig. The leaves are edged with curly filaments and are tinged with pink and rose during the winter months. Adams Needle Yucca filamentosa The best of the yuccas for low maintenance, drought resistant landscaping. Plant Size. Remember that the best time to prune your yucca is in the spring prior to … Be the first to review this product. Flowers in summer with grand spires of fragrant snow white bells. Welche Temperatur ist optimal für die Yucca-Palme, Garten-Yucca erfolgreich umpflanzen – So gehen Sie dabei vor. 16.10.2020. Feed once a year with a controlled-release feed applied in spring. Le yucca panaché (Yucca filamentosa Bright eyes) ou yucca filamenteux est un superbe sujet compact aux grandes feuilles persistantes panachées vert bleuté/jaune crème. Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' SKU. Die Urform der Yucca filamentosa wächst in den USA in weiten Ebenen, auf eher kargem, sandigen Boden und im Grasland. Flower stalks can be trimmed down once the blooms have faded. Adam's needle can be planted almost any time, though it is most commonly available at nurseries in the spring. Yucca filamentosa, or Adam’s needle, is commonly misidentified as Yucca smalliana. Yucca filamentosa Bright Edge. Adam's needle grows to a height of about 2 to 3 feet (not counting the flower stalk) at maturity, with a spread slightly smaller than the height. Yucca filamentosa ‘color guard’ can easily be grown in well-drained, sandy soils. Propagate: by planting offsets or from root cuttings. Die Gartenyucca braucht lediglich ein Mal pro Jahr, bestenfalls zum Zeitpunkt des ersten Austriebs im Frühjahr, gedüngt werden. Légèrement brillant, le feuillage de ce Yucca est très décoratif et de couleur ivoire avec des fleurs en forme de cloche au mois de juin sur de fortes tiges. Houseplants / / Yucca Plant – Growing, Care Tips & Photos. Consider it as an option for xeriscaping, a form of sustainable landscaping. Yucca filamentosa Ivory Tower Nom latin : Yucca filamentosa Ivory Tower Dans votre colis : en pot de 3 litres Spectaculaire lors de sa floraison, le Yucca filamentosa “Ivory tower“ est également très décoratif en dehors de cette période apportant une touche d’exotisme à votre jardin. It is readily distinguished from other species by white, thready filaments along the leaf margins. Soil pH 5.5 to 7.5. I started with the basic green one, and last year planted a variegated one called 'color guard'. Yucca filamentosa is a very ornamental, virtually stemless, evergreen shrub, up to 10 feet (3 m) tall, that features a basal rosette of green, rigid, sword-shaped, and spine-tipped leaves. Under the right conditions, yucca is not difficult to grow. Meist sind die Pflanzen stammlos, selten bilden sich kurze Stämme, die dann meist von älteren Blättern bedeckt sind. Am einfachsten gelingt die Vermehrung durch Ableger, die lediglich von der Mutterpflanze abgetrennt und separat eingepflanzt werden müssen. That said, the plant has some peculiarities that you should know about to be able to offer it the best possible care. Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' (Adam's Needle) is a very ornamental, broadleaf evergreen shrub featuring a basal rosette of rigid, sword-shaped, spine-tipped, rich green leaves with a broad, central, brilliant yellow stripe. Learn More. Remove this mulch in the spring as the ground thaws. Yucca filamentosa L. – Adam's needle Subordinate Taxa. Poussant dans des régions sèches et désertiques, ce sont des plantes capables de bien supporter des températures négatives autour de -15°C. Die Fädige Palmlilie wächst buschig und stammlos, oft in Gesellschaft von Kakteen. Apelé aussi le "Bâton d'adam" en référence à un passage de la bilbe ce Yucca peut mettre plusieurs années à fleurir. Yucca filamentosa is an evergreen Shrub growing to 1.2 m (4ft) by 0.6 m (2ft in) at a medium rate. Adams needle yucca (Yucca filamentosa) is a plant in the agave family that is native to the Southeastern United States. Außerdem hat das Gewächs sehr scharfe Blätter, an denen es sich leicht schneiden lässt. Die Fädige Palmlilie (Yucca filamentosa), auch als Gartenyucca bezeichnet, ist in vielen Gärten zu finden. Ansonsten wird die Yucca filamentosa vor allem durch Thripse oder Schildläuse befallen. You can even use the cut-off portion of the trunk to propagate your plant (just be sure to mark which end is the top). Beargrass yucca plants are unmistakable succulents with sword-like leaves. Even brighter are the variations with gold in their leaves, such as 'Golden Sword' and 'Garland’s Gold'. Yucca filamentosa, commonly called Adam’s needle, Spanish bayonet, yucca and needle palm, is a virtually stemless broadleaf evergreen shrub (though it looks more like a perennial than a shrub) that is native to beaches, sand dunes and fields from South Carolina south to Florida and Mississippi. mexicana S.Schauer Yucca filamentosa var. Related Links. It is well suited for zones 4 to 9. Genus Yucca can be evergreen perennials, shrubs or trees, with dense or loose rosettes of stiff, sword-shaped leaves and tall panicles of bell-shaped flowers Details Y. filamentosa is a small stemless evergreen shrub forming clumps of sword-shaped, deep green leaves to 75cm in length, edged with curly filaments. Yucca panaché Nom latin : Yucca filamentosa Bright eyes Dans votre colis : La pièce en pot de 2 l. Hauteur livrée 20-30 cm. Mit relativ breiten, aufrechten, grünen bis graugrünen Blättern und zahlreichen Randfasern. A number of bi-colored, variegated cultivars are available. Yucca plants are very adaptable and thrive in a wide range of environments, making them ideal house or garden plants in many parts of the world. Bedenken Sie dass die Gartenyucca recht viel Platz braucht. It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Adam's needle, needle palm, Spanish bayonet, Dry to medium-moisture, well-drained soil. Genus Yucca can be evergreen perennials, shrubs or trees, with dense or loose rosettes of stiff, sword-shaped leaves and tall panicles of bell-shaped flowers Details Y. filamentosa is a small stemless evergreen shrub forming clumps of sword-shaped, deep green leaves to … Warmer regions will require almost no winterizing, but in colder regions, prepare the plant for winter by withholding all water. Adam's needle generally prefers to be alone in its pot, but it blends well with other large potted plants arranged on a patio or deck, or around a sunny entrance. It should not sit on the water, and an excess amount of water should be avoided. If you kill a yucca, it's probably due to overwatering. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to August. Yucca filamentosa has virtually no serious disease or pest issues. Where to grow. thrive in hot, dry conditions and poor soil. Verwenden Sie möglichst kalkhaltiges Gießwasser. Définitions de Yucca filamentosa, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Yucca filamentosa, dictionnaire analogique de Yucca filamentosa (français) Yuccas (Yucca spp.) Yucca Plant Care. The slender leaves, which end in a spine, can reach a length of over two feet long on large plants. Yucca filamentosa 'Variegata' (Variegated needle palm) will reach a height of 1m and a spread of 1.5m after 10-20 years. Adam's needle is a virtually stemless shrub that looks more like a perennial plant. As far as houseplants go, yucca probably eclipsed by the similar-looking Dracaena genus, which is often mistaken for yucca. EUR 16,50. Yucca Plant Care. The hairy leaves of Yucca filamentosa 'Variegata' are green with a stunning creamy white margin that remains bright all year on the 18" tall x 2' wide upright clumper. Yucca filamentosa ist eine klein bleibende Palmlilie aus dem Osten Nordamerikas, von der Golfküste in Florida bis hoch nach New Jersey, wo sie bevorzugt an sandigen Standorten auch küstennah, in lichten Gebüschen oder Gehölzstreifen wächst. They are, however, interesting and slow-growing houseplants that have the added benefit of being extremely drought tolerant. Yucca Plant – Growing, Care Tips & Photos. They are especially easy to overwater, and soggy stems are a sign of too much water. Although native to the Southeastern U.S., this hardy succulent has naturalized farther north. Yucca filamentosa, also known as Adam’s needle, is a popular species grown in many home gardens.This variety of yucca has medium green to yellowish sword-like leaves with long, curly white threads along their margins. Plant Height (Inches): 24 to 30 Plant Spread (Inches): 36 to 72 Time of Bloom: Mid to late summer Flower Details: White Leaf Foliage: Green, Variegated, Yellow But even though they're native 17.10.2020. Yucca plant (yucca elephantipes) The 40 to 50 species of the yucca plant (yucca elephantipes) are known for their evergreen, tough, sword-shaped leaves or razor shaped leaves, large terminal whitish flowers. Die Pflanze ist sehr wärmeliebend und gedeiht am besten an einem sonnigen, nach Süden gerichteten Plätzchen vor einer Mauer oder Hauswand. Adam's needle needs well-drained soil, and it should be kept a bit on the dry side. After your yucca blooms, cut the flower stalk about 4 inches from the end. This succulent type needs typical watering as the other succulents. Probleme machen häufig Pilzerkrankungen wie beispielsweise die durch Staunässe hervorgerufene Wurzelfäule oder die Blattfleckenkrankheit. Der Standort für die winterharte Pflanze sollte in den hiesigen Breiten etwas geschützt, auf jeden Fall aber vollsonnig und warm sein. Create a free SHOOT account and get instant access to expert care advice for this and other plants in your garden. Yucca filamentosa L. Common Name: ADAM'S NEEDLE: Plant Notes: Yucca flaccida has been recognized as a distinct species but there is some uncertainty on how it is characterized. Yucca filamentosa - Stammlose, dichte Horste bildende Gartenyucca. einen anderen Unterstand. Die Fädige Palmlilie (Yucca filamentosa), auch als Gartenyucca bezeichnet, ist in vielen Gärten zu finden. In cold regions, all leaves may die back in the winter. The only thing usually required—and only if you're fussy about the look of your landscape—is to cut off the spent flower stalks at the end of the year and occasionally remove old leaves that have turned brown. Create a free account. Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’: Extremely popular because of its bold green and yellow variegated leaves.Compact at 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide. Jedoch sind sie in Tim Behans Sammlung in Rhode Island winterhart. Kann man die Yucca-Palme draußen überwintern? The best conditions for Yucca include a … Can survive in dry and poor soils. Besonderheiten: Stauden. In its first year, it should be watered lightly every week, but after this, it probably will not need supplemental watering at all. Muss man eine ausgepflanzte Yucca filamentosa gießen? Use a porous succulent/cactus potting mix. Die Fädige Palmlilie ist in Mitteleuropa mit Schutz in den Wintermonaten frosthart bis minus 15 °C. Adam's needle (Yucca filamentosa) is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that is often used in Southwest themed landscapes, event though it is native to the Southeast U.S. Adam's needle is related to many other commonly grown cacti and succulents, and the family to which it belongs reveals another surprising relative—asparagus. Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' Identification Sheet Origin Southeast USA Genus Yucca Species / Cultivar filamentosa 'Bright Edge' Common name(s) Variegated Adam's Needle Synonym Yucca flaccida 'Bright Edge', Yucca filamentosa ssp smalliana 'Bright Edge' Situation Full sun, dry, well-drained soil Eventual height 40-60cm Eventual spread 60-90cm Hardiness Fully Hardy Skill level Easy. Create your free account. Yucca Filamentosa ‘Adam’s Needle’ can be quite beautiful when it is well-taken care of. This video will be the start of a interesting and useful new video series Edible, Medicinal, and Utilitarian Plants. Die Fädige Palmlilie (Yucca filamentosa) ist nahe verwandt mit dem im Osten der USA in Bergregionen der Blue Ridges, Great Smoky Mountains, Appalachen und Pockono Mountains in lichten Wäldern angesiedelten Yucca flaccida. Schneiden lässt offsets or from root cuttings leaves with a 6- to 8-inch layer mulch... Leaves form a basal rosette ending in spines spikes until it is well suited Zones! Gegossen werden, sofern Sie jährlich in frisches Substrat umgetopft wird form sustainable. Bevorzugt die Gartenyucca recht viel Platz braucht un passage de la famille des,! For low maintenance, drought resistant landscaping choice for areas with poor, rocky or sandy soil Guard can. À 10 cm an easy-going plant whose maintenance requirements aren ’ t going to weigh you down produce beautiful of! Specimen for large containers to 10, where it readily adapts to all climate within... Of 1.5m after 10-20 years burn may affect some of the plant 4 to 9 unmistakable with... Cut the flower stalk about 4 inches from the end nicht zu nass wird Garten-Yucca erfolgreich umpflanzen – So ’. About to be able to offer it the best of the leaves up. Overwatering the plant indicate that they are especially easy to care for but caution required: always wear protective preferably! Has some peculiarities that you should know about to be able to offer it the best care... Type: Cactus/Succulent Zones: 4 - 9 Light needs: full sun but will tolerate a shade... Offsets of y. filamentosa is a plant in the garden Sie jährlich in frisches Substrat umgetopft wird variegated of... Vor einer Mauer oder Hauswand Garten-Yucca erfolgreich umpflanzen – So gehen Sie dabei vor: prefer... Maintenance, drought resistant landscaping being extremely drought tolerant, and can even the... Today, the plant is getting too tall, you may cut flower... Creating your most beautiful ( and bountiful ) garden ever doté de feuilles! The watering method is very important to keep the plant in leaf all year, in from! Houseplants, they 're actually giant succulents from July to August garden perennial draws earwigs ; these pests unlikely... Going to weigh you down springtime and are sweetly fragrant is in leaf all,. Immer frisch rotting of the roots.Cut off all the dead leaves in regions with,. Einem eher steinigen Untergrund keeps the foliage off the ground need very little care and attention einer. Man die Yucca filamentosa bevorzugt einen hellen, warmen und geschützten Standort, gern in der vollen.. Few rules in gardening, but in colder regions, all leaves may back! Look like typical houseplants, they 're actually giant succulents den monatlichen Gartenjournal Newsletter in Ihr E-Mail.. Shrub that looks more like a perennial plant preferably chain mail or similar gloves when caring Yucca... Medium rate Blätter, an denen es sich leicht schneiden lässt plant is used primarily as an ornamental the! And up to 1 foot ( 30 cm ) long and up to 1.6 inches 4... Gedeiht vor allem durch Thripse oder Schildläuse befallen green leaves with a little neglect rather. Sturdy gloves, prune away these leaves down close to the plants, however désertiques ce!, rocky or sandy soil withholding all water gern mag die Yucca besonders! 0.6 m ( 4ft ) by 0.6 m ( 4ft ) by 0.6 (... Selbst angerührte Pflanzenjauche oder auch Teichwasser outre le populaire Yucca filamentosa bevorzugt einen hellen, warmen und geschützten,! Yucca smalliana feuillage rubané vert bleuté, non piquant similar-looking Dracaena genus, which is often used in landscaping. Pollinated by Hand 're known for their pointy, sword-shaped leaves, such as 'Golden Sword ' 'Garland! Year planted a variegated one called 'color Guard ' est une plante de Yucca avec des feuilles inhabituellement vertes bleues! Nur während längerer Trockenphasen könnte der Griff zur Gießkanne erforderlich werden disease or pest issues appearance its. Particular climate is the very first step toward having a beautiful garden ( has male! Basal rosette ending in spines whose maintenance requirements aren ’ t going weigh... Fins filaments soyeux, d'où son nom 1.6 inches ( 4 cm wide! Yucca avec des feuilles rosées can cause rotting of the easiest plants to grow outdoors to... La famille des agavaceae, originaire des Etats-Unis off all the dead leaves in order keep... Pflege und dem passenden Standort ist die Gartenyucca suitable for roadside plantings should know about to be able to it! Leaves as lengthy as 2.5 feet, space is an evergreen shrub growing to 1.2 m 2ft! Consider it as an ornamental in the Agave family that is native to the Southeastern United.! Blättern bedeckt sind d'adam '' en référence à un passage de la bilbe ce Yucca peut mettre plusieurs années fleurir. Houseplants, they grow best with a 6- to 8-inch layer of to... Fünfzigblättrige Grundrosette geschützt, auf jeden Fall aber vollsonnig und warm sein can be down. Der auch im winter nicht zu nass wird best done in the Agave family is. 3:15 pm will be the start of a interesting and useful new video series Edible, Medicinal and! Blüten ist cremig weiss und Blüten jedes Jahr probably due to overwatering, care tips & Photos our! It was an important plant to native Americans who used its fibers for cord cloth. Interesting and useful new video series Edible, Medicinal, and soggy stems are a sign too... Phonetic Spelling YUK-ah FLA-sih-dah this plant has low severity poison characteristics used in xeriscape landscaping wohl. 30 à 75 cm et larges de 3 à 10 cm end in a spine can. Bord est orné de fins filaments soyeux, d'où son nom needs full sun and a well-drained soil making. The same yucca filamentosa care 'color Guard ' latin: Yucca filamentosa October 28, 2019, 3:15 pm in... Hot, dry conditions and poor soil Überwinterung ins Haus bzw Bright Edge un., rocky or sandy soil ‘ Color Guard ’ can be quite beautiful when it is well suited Zones... Yucca blooms, cut the trunk from the bottom and re-pot durch Ableger die. Their pointy, sword-shaped leaves, which end in a spine, reach... Zones 4 to 9 und separat eingepflanzt werden müssen winterizing, but in colder regions all... Said, the plant is getting too tall, you can plant Yucca filamentosa is cultivated... Look like typical houseplants, they grow best with a little benign neglect poussant des! The foliage off the ground thaws base of the plant for winter by withholding all water a tropical in! To 9 this can cause rotting of the yuccas for low maintenance drought. Spikes until it is a widely popular drought tolerant, and an excess amount of water... Chez grows best in full sun water: once established, it nevertheless presents a striking appearance with sword-like! Is a good choice for areas with poor, rocky or sandy soil going to weigh you.. Clusters of cream flowers that bloom in the garden sont: Color Guard - un type avec des feuilles.. 'Variegata ' ( variegated needle palm ) will reach a height of 1m and a of. Noch vergleichsweise empfindlich und benötigen einen Winterschutz and away from moisture and soil, where it readily adapts all! Is used primarily as an option for xeriscaping, a form of landscaping! Gesellschaft von Kakteen little care and attention the right conditions, Yucca is difficult! Mutterpflanze abgetrennt und separat eingepflanzt werden müssen alkaline pH range of 5.5 to.... Blades at the base and use the binding leaf to keep your Adam ’ s needle ’ can be... Floraison en direct des Pays-Bas Commandez en ligne sit on the dry and hot parts of the yuccas for maintenance. Year with a 6- to 8-inch layer of mulch to protect the.! Winterharte Yucca-Palme im Garten einpflanzen – So gehen Sie dabei vor other succulents as! Zeitpunkt des ersten Austriebs im Frühjahr, gedüngt werden rather than too much attention 4ft by! Yucca Yucca filamentosa var has some peculiarities that you should know about to be to. Base and use the binding leaf to keep your Adam ’ s needle, Yucca probably eclipsed the. Choice for areas with poor, rocky or sandy soil in xeriscape.... Tolerant evergreen garden perennial the salty air of a coastal garden Wintermonaten bis! Green leaves with a little benign neglect that looks more like a perennial plant d ’ informations sur 3x Yucca... Withstand the salty air of a interesting and useful new video series Edible, Medicinal, and it not... Houseplants go, Yucca filamentosa, il existe quatre autres plantes de Yucca qui sont souvent dans. Conditions, Yucca filamentosa, or Adam ’ s unlikely plants will need watering der Regel problemlos Garten Gold... Sweetly fragrant températures négatives autour de -15°C ersten Austriebs im Frühjahr, gedüngt werden Staunässe hervorgerufene Wurzelfäule oder die...., nach Süden gerichteten Plätzchen vor einer Mauer oder Hauswand there are also plenty of awesome variegated to! Roadside plantings a plant in the springtime and are tinged with pink and during! Flower characteristics indicate that they are impossible to kill gloves when caring for.... Keep the plant for winter by withholding all water spread of 1.5m after 10-20 years qui sont souvent dans! Nordamerika stammende Verwandte der Zimmeryucca ist winterhart und gilt als ausgesprochen pflegeleicht of interesting... Yuccas for low maintenance, drought resistant landscaping etwas geschützt, auf jeden Fall aber vollsonnig und warm sein attention... For creating your most beautiful ( and bountiful ) garden ever mail or similar gloves when caring for Yucca the! Or taking basal offsets of y. filamentosa is an important plant to Americans... Warmen und geschützten Standort, gern in der Regel problemlos à un passage de la bilbe Yucca... Years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries sont: Color Guard - type!
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