why is coordination important in tennis

Coordination In Tennis Facebook Pinterest Twitter 225-230. (2003). Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 1, 152 – 158, Eleni Zetou, Dr The term "hand-eye coordination" describes the ability of your body's visual system to process information received through the eyes and use it to direct the movements of the hands. The effects of age and expertise upon perceptual skill development in a racquet sport. Coordination Training. I believe there are some misconceptions about proper form, how to develop it and whether it is important. Professional tennis players made it look super easy to bat that ball with their tennis racket. Also, practicing those abilities with specific exercises has a better result at improving the technique of those skills (16). Using the proper progression is a necessity. These include: A player that is lacking in any of these skills may find smacking that little ball is A LOT harder than they thought it would be. 5. But it’s also a term loosely used in tennis training circles around the world. There were three measurements, pre, post and retention test, one week after post test without practice. Hand-eye coordination is the ability to track the movements of the hands with the eyes, thus enabling the eyes to send important signals to the brain about hand movement. Tennis is a physical activity that works out the entire body and tests agility, balance, and hand-eye coordination. It was supported that coordination abilities are basic elements for an athletic skill. Coordination fosters loyalty and commitment among employees. ): Trainingswissenschaft. Witkowski, Z. Koordinatives Anforderungsprofil und Koordinationstraining. Coordination Coordination incorporates senses such as sight and hearing in conjunction with body parts to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. identifying important factors that shape coordination during performance, throughout practice and development [25, 32, 33]. Hand-eye coordination is also required for most other sports, like football, basketball, tennis, hockey, and even badminton. Coordination is crucial to table tennis success. A study which examined eye-hand and eye-foot reaction showed that there was significant difference between soccer players and non-athletes (25). Martin, D., Carl, K., & Lehnertz, K. (1995). Optometry, 71, 775-780. D. Thesis)]. Coordination abilities are essential in order to develop and perform optimal tennis strokes (forehand and backhand) and the movement techniques (1). Coordination abilities are important during tennis play, and their development from the early age is essential. "Balance is a key element for any good tennis shot," he explains. The great news is that anyone can improve their tennis game by improving their hand eye coordination. A study with volleyball players (20) found that rhythmic ability is important, while kinaesthetic differentiation ability is limited to this sport. Head, eye and arm coordination in table tennis J Sports Sci. There are, of course, people who seem to be born naturally coordinated, and that natural coordination makes certain aspects of table tennis much easier for them, such as understanding timing, grasping complex elements of the game, and mastering their perfect serve. arm-span, fingertip strength and recovery [34]), the task (required speed [35], lead versus top-rope [36]) and the environment (wall slope [37], hold characteristics [22]). Hurdles drills can be used to help players improve their technique while moving. Furthermore, practicing those abilities will help to improve the learning procedure of the backhand and forehand complex technique. The player that can do this in the most efficient manner will be the player that has the overall athletic advantage in the match. Coordination is crucial to table tennis success. Importance of Coordination: The importance of coordination is as under: 1. The Pearson (r) correlation was performed between the measurements from one day to the next day (test, retest) by an expert coach in tennis, in order to evaluate the observer’s internal reliability. Reihe: Training der Bewegungskoordination. Koordinacjonnyje sposobnosti junych futbolistow: diagnostika, struktura, ontogenez (praca doktorska) (in Russian). For those who participate in racket sports, it is important to learn how to coordinate the movement of the racket with the eyes and hand movements. This exercise is great to improve your central vision, just toss a tennis ball against a wall and practice catching it with one hand and then the other. Table tennis, also known as ping pong, began back in the 1800’s. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 4, 399 – 408. Human Movement Science, 21, 213-230. The results of this study indicated that coordination training program help athletes to learn and perform the forehand and backhand tennis skills better. You can improve this particular aspect of your game by a large margin if you give it some time and effort. (1988). Author information: (1)Departamento de Edução Física, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Bauru, SP, Brazil. It is to be expected, then, that most sports require a highly developed sense of hand eye coordination. Scott R. Johnson, Pamela J. Wojnar, William J. Hand-eye coordination is especially important for normal child development and academic success, but is also an important skill that adults use in countless activities on a daily basis. In sports where technique is of great importance, it is essential all athletes could perform refined skills. This basic skill is necessary for a myriad of tasks that people do every day. On the one hand speed economy improvements assure that minimal excess energy is expended (wasted) to perform the athletic movement and on the other hand agility improvements allow the athlete to change direction more effectively. According to the results of the present study, the ability of kinaesthetic differentiation and reaction are primary connected to high performance tennis skills. 26. Neumaier, A., & Mechling, H. (1994). The tennis skill performance and learning assessed using observation technique in five basic elements of every skill. Based on the results from the questionnaires, the program designed to practice the two most important coordination abilities. Some athletes just go through the motions but, as a coach, you must ensure they are active in putting their foot to the ground, instead of letting gravity do the work (9). 5. Coordination is therefore a successive chain of orderly and structured movements that allow the technical execution of a sport or activity. The Importance of Proper Tennis Form / Technique One of the main reasons why you may be reading this article is because you want to learn correct tennis technique, which is also called "proper form." Mean and standard deviation for each group are presented in Table 1. Take a couple of minutes to read through the list, and be prepared on adding agility drills on your workout tomorrow! Endless drills bouncing tennis balls off the walls are one great way to do this, albeit a bit uninspiring. Agility Agility refers to the ability to quickly change your body’s position and move in opposing directions in an efficient and effective manner. Witkowski, Z., & Ljach, W. (2004). Based on these results the two most significant abilities were selected as tennis specific coordination abilities and an intervention programme was planned. Perceptual and motor Skill, 90, 757-770. The training of children should be focused on versatile education corresponding to certain need. They were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group (EG, n = 24) and the control group (CG, n = 24). Improving coordination is a subject that gets less coverage in fitness circles than others. Derri, Mertznidou and Tzetzis (8) evaluated dynamic balance and body coordination between athletes (rhythm and gymnastics) and non athletes and found that athletes had significant better dynamic balance and body coordination. Hitting a table tennis ball may seem simple but in fact it is highly complex. It has been suggested that age is related to coordination abilities and that there was a linear relationship between age and coordination performance for ages 4 – 7 years old (26). Submitted by: Richard C. Bell, Ed.D., J.D. An exploratory study of perceptual-motor abilities of women: novice and skilled players of team handball. Selected aspects of motor coordination in young basketball players. The two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant interaction between the groups (F2,92 = 46,36, p < 0.000) and measurements, main effect of measurements (F2,92 = 161,22, p < 0.000) and main effect of group (F1,46 = 73,58, p < 0.000). LSD post-hoc analysis revealed that there were significant differences from pre to post-test and from pre-test to retention test of participants of experimental group. This term includes additional drills that will improve virtuosity, stability and the coordination of special sport techniques. That is how rhythm enhances performance. 9. These drills are fun and can be very helpful to improve a tennis player coordination and footwork. It is important to train agility in the same manner that any other skill would be trained. Kinaesthetic differentiation, with regard to the movement perception, was defined as the ability that allows a player to control internal and external information, adapt it and use it correctly. You also have to be flexible to get the body into the correct positions comfortably, and in some disciplines it is important to be agile and quick. The aim of this study was to determine the role of head, eye and arm movements during the execution of a table tennis forehand stroke. Abernethy, B. This is the moment they hit the ball. An expert tennis coach evaluated the backhand and forehand technique at five basic elements: i) the grip, ii) the side-way stance, iii) the elbow position before the touch, iv) the touch and v) the follow through. The one-way ANOVA revealed no significant differences between the groups EG (Experimental) and CG (Control group) at pre-test in backhand (F1,47 = 0,68 p > 0.05) and forehand (F1,47 = 0,44 p > 0.05), which means that the two groups were began experiment with a similar level of technique. (2000). Sankt Augustin: Academia, 207-212. Coordination, through the process of harmonization, integrates individual goals with organizational goals, and that is why coordination is so important for an organization. In addition, the present study showed that improving the ability to react with an additional training program to tennis practice, has a positive effect on the learning process of the technique of backhand and forehand. A runner would need to perfectly coordinate his or her legs to be able to get the most out of the body to win races and drummers would need to coordinate their hands and feet to a perfect rhythm in order to play the instrument well. That’s one of the reasons why they haven’t been able to create a machine/robot that can beat a human yet. But often, players are not really well-balanced as they lean a lot and try to adjust to the ball with the upper body and their arms. In addition a study in rhythmic gymnastics (21) mentioned the importance of kinaesthesia to high performance. A simple search of coordination training can lead you to a whole host of elaborate and dynamic drills. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of line-of-gaze, arm and ball was used to describe visual and motor behaviour. [Figure 1](/files/volume-15/454/figure-1.jpg), #### Figure 2 Tennis players develop fast-twitch muscles in their arms and legs, which allow them to respond more quickly to visual information. 25. Fifteen expert coaches in tennis completed a check list of five coordination abilities and suggested that the most important coordination abilities for tennis players are “kinaesthetic differentiation” and “reaction time”. The results revealed that participants of the experimental group learned the two tennis skills (backhand, and forehand). 4. Other sports where agility plays an important role include rugby, football, basketball, volleyball and hockey. Anyway, one of the most important attributes of these amazing athletes is fantastic hand-eye coordination. The aim of this study was to define which coordination abilities are the most important in tennis and to identify whether a coordination training program will improve the learning process of tennis skills (backhand and forehand). – 198 s. The present findings for young tennis players aged 9 – 13 years old are in agreement with the bibliography (4). 15. It has been suggested that kinaesthetic ability is developing rapidly until the age of ten and the well – trained persons are quite superb at this ability (8). Washington: Washington: National Academy Press. Parents will ooh and ahh the first time their baby reaches out and grabs an object — evidence that they are beginning to develop their hand eye coordination. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, women began to form clubs that were athletic in nature. In: Strength and Conditioning for tennis, A.Q. "Balance is a key element for any good tennis shot," he explains. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 279 – 288. In most sports the training of skill alone is not enough for learning and stabilizing the new skill, thus, there is a need of specific drills which will facilitate the learning process of the skill. Interacting constraints on climbing behaviours include the individual (e.g. Co-ordination is even important in individual sports. 57010 Pefka, Thessaloniki #### Identification of coordination abilities. A one-way ANOVA determine if there were initial differences between groups in the two tennis skills. Finally, balance was defined as the ability to maintain perfect body position during stroke performance (static) and recover the initial position (dynamic). Pick up your HECOstix today and watch your tennis skills soar! Importance of coordination in physical education . Awtoref. You stand about a table length apart with a dodgeball and chest pass to each other. Hand-Eye-Coordination. 1. A. Skilled and less skilled participants returned th … It is one of the most important aspects of learning tennis because you have to be in the correct position to hit the ball. The need and importance of coordination can be judged from these points: It encourages team spirit, It gives proper direction, It facilitates motivation, It makes optimum utilization of resources, It helps to achieve objectives quickly, It improves relations in the organization, It leads to higher efficiency and; It improves goodwill of the organization. In sports, coordination must occur between the eyes, hands, and feet. Most activities that you do in your day-to-day life use some degree of eye-hand coordination, which is why it's important to ensure that it is as developed as possible. Rhythm was defined as the ability to capture an acquire rhythm from an external source and to reproduce it in movement. After five weeks, when the intervention program was completed, a technique evaluation (post-test) for all players took place in the same way as the initial measurement. Martin, Carl, K., & Lehnertz, K. Schorndorf, Deutschland. These individuals voluntarily participated in this experiment. 10. June 12, 2012: Nike Tennis Camps sits down with Jay Lapidus, former head men's tennis coach at Duke University to discuss the importance of balance while hitting the ball. The Importance of Proper Tennis Form / Technique One of the main reasons why you may be reading this article is because you want to learn correct tennis technique, which is also called "proper form." (1999). In fact, coordination is important too when placing the shuttle into the other half court. Luckily, there are a handful of drills that you can perform to directly train this part of your skill set. Relationship between perceptual and motor abilities on fundamental basketball skills in 8-13 Years Old Children. Delimitation of this study was that the intervention last only 8 weeks and the long learning and retention of skills were not assessed in the present experiment. A score was given for each participant (ten trials X the score of the sum of five elements of skill). The aim of the present study was to define which coordination abilities are the most important for tennis players and to identify if an additional coordination training program will improve the learning process of the tennis skills (backhand, and forehand). That's why team coordination is more important in an organisation and is required. 12. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to test the difference in the technique performance of the skills in three measurements (pre, post, and retention test) between the two groups (EG and CG). Kioumourtzoglou, E., Michalopoulou, M., Tzetzis, G., & Kourtessis, T. (2000). As children grow up, they lose their coordination skills. Roloff (19) suggested as a person’s kinesthia develops, the possibility of learning new motor skills increases. On top of good footwork, you also have to be balanced once you get to the ball to swing the racket and make contact. Based on the results from the questionnaires, the coordination program designed to practice the two most important abilities: the kinaesthetic differentiation and reaction time. Coordination is also needed between partners in a play. A good coordination then is the right flight of the shuttle to the right place. Let’s see what excellent hand eye coordination does for tennis players. So, we have made a guide to help you with coordination among team members. Rhythm is so important for two major reasons. Cardio training is helpful in conditioning the body … Coordination Training as a Factor Streamlining of the Goal-Oriented and Special Stage during the Schooling of Wrestlers (Ph. 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